Gallery 2 Sacred Geometry / Birgitte Fich
The Mutable Cross It is the Cross of fluidity and ever altering experiences within a realm of opposites, until acquiescence and aspiration is reached. The Cross of the hidden soul. Det Foranderlige Kors Dette er Korset for stadigt omskiftende oplevelser i modsætningernes verden, indtil personen slår sig til tåls, bliver rolig og påbegynder en højere stræben. Korset for den skjulte sjæl. Birgitte Fich
The Cardinal Cross This Cross facilitates the rise to the most exalted states of consciousness, and much more. On the Cardinal Cross higher phases of being are unfolding. The individual rises into Higher Evolution on cosmic planes. Kardinalkorset. Dette Kors støtter opnåelsen af de mest ophøjede bevidsthedstilstande. På Kardinalkorset udfoldes højere faser af Væren. Individet stiger op i Højere Evolution på kosmiske planer. Birgitte Fich
The Fixed Cross. The Cross of the Crucified Soul or Christ. The human being on the Fixed Cross changes from being a person in swirl of diverse confusing circumstances, into being a soul, standing firmly, seeing the Light. The four energies of this Cross blend with the energies of the solar system, and consciousness expands. The Fixed Cross deals with the entire life of soul experience, after the Mutable Cross has forced man to the path of purification. No turning back. Birgitte Fich
Embrasser la Lumière*
*IT IS TIME OF FULFILLMENT* *A NEW PARADIGM* connect with your soul purpose and fulfill it.