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About  Birgitte

           Birgitte  Fich

I was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. I finished my school studies with

an examination of a Danish so-called “realskole”.

It had always been my fixed resolve, during my childhood, to become

a school teacher or a painter. However my employment with the Scandinavian Airlines System in 1967 gave me the opportunity to travel

and experience foreign countries. My interest for science of medicine and alternative treatment started in 1985 and ended up with an education as

a reflexology therapist. However, there was also time left for painting now and then, but the inspiration began to vanish.


It was necessary to find new and more challenging ways of expression. 

In 1991 I was lucky enough to meet a very talented, visionary artist named Hannibal Måne and attended his school for about one year.

Later that year followed two greater exhibitions, and in 1993 I myself began to teach painting in Copenhagen.


In 1994 I went to Australia and met Peter. There could be no doubt for us, that we had a future together and that Denmark was the place to settle down. At the end of 1995 Peter moved back and in 1997 we were married.


Our co-operation has manifested in many ways, to mention one thing, the presentation of the 7 Female Masters. With my paintings I want to show the higher realms from where humanity is getting help to develop.


These pictures can be used for meditation and experienced as windows to the Universes of Light. There is no need for instructions or fixed answers, let the open mind and the intuitive perception be your guide.

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