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I've mostly been known as the Indian Chief White Eagle, but I also had other incarnations on Earth.

Among other things, I had my work in Greece and Egypt.

The darkness is still surrounding the planet Earth.

Seen from the sphere where I now reside the Earth is like wrapped in a shroud of dark velvet.
But to all of you following the Path to the Sun - the Path of Light – the Path of the Heart, we send


From the spiritual, divine Sun we ignite small flames in the hearts of you who are ready to

serve the Divine Plan for Earth, to you who will help to manifest and support the Christ energy.

An increasing number are participating in this Light work. But there is still a need for information and the dissemination of the spiritual messages. We often see that the Light and energy and power we transmit to the Earth are not passing through. Many people do not know who they are and feel lost and find it difficult to believe that there is a God. But all trials have a purpose. Life is a gift, and from the spiritual side, we approach people more and more. More will be able to contact Masters and feel they get messages and reply when they ask. It may be that the answer comes from the Master’s helpers. To serve as a Master does not end the work, there is more to be done. On these plans there is full activity. Masters are also evolving and have many tasks. But for the love of mankind and the Earth, they are also concerned about what is going on here.

Throughout the ages, man also had to suffer, not as a punishment but as an opportunity to develop awareness. It's not that Jesus took mankind's sins and died for your sake on the cross. Jesus showed you the way that you all must go. You will go through many gates and pass many obstacles on the road that finally leads to the golden sun. This is all a part of your development process and necessary. There are not any easy ways or shortcuts. You must do the work all by yourself. You have to walk the path.

 The best we can recommend to help is healing. You will always find the right healer who can help if you use your intuition. If healing is ineffective or if the results are not as expected, it is often because of karma. Karma is not a punishment but a help to reach higher levels of consciousness and awareness. We want more people to be able to heal themselves and take responsibility for their own lives.

We see many who are trying to manage the energies with the intellect. This unfortunately causes great mental activity with loss of the Heart’s spiritual development. This is all something that we observe very closely, and this will become balanced when the time comes.

We must warn against some techniques for developing consciousness. This should only be done through the guidance of a Master. But beware of the false prophets. Those are quite numerous. Prayer and meditation will often lead to better results.
Feel in your heart, what feels right for you. You must develop discernment and be true to what you can feel in your heart.

In addition to the spiritual Brotherhood, with which I am related, there is also contact with our Space Sisters and Space Brothers. Through the Sun there is access to other star systems, they are following the development on Earth closely and provide the help they can currently grant.

When man develops more soul contact and experience that they are spiritual beings, that they are God's children, that they have a divine spark within themselves, that they can get in touch with their inner treasure, that they can connect with a network of sisters and brothers who are working for the same cause, we can unify and win the battle against the forces        of darkness.
The Earth shall shine and sparkle ascending into the higher dimension.

Birgitte Fich
Nærum d. November 2, 2005

Translated into English November 22nd, 2014





The Path to the Sun
Inspiration from White Eagle received by Birgitte Fich  

White Eagle /  by Peter Fich

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