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An introduction to some Fixed Stars


Some fundamental facts are necessary for people, to grasp the idea of how the Universe can be,

and is, a living Being, maintained by Law, cause/effect, etc.


There is One Highest Spirit or God, or Being, Which can be defined as Infinity and Absoluteness,

but Who also is manifested through limited forms.

The Universe is, in short, an aggregate of almost innumerable levels of consciousness, so that the

entire “Divine Comedy” can be played. All beings, all creatures, large or small, are parts of God.

In order to obtain relative consciousness, spirits of all types and levels, must be clothed into forms,

vehicles of some kind, in the Universal Mother. It is taught in the Arcane Wisdom that all that exists,

is appearances of spirit beings. As above, so below.

Then for a star, a Heavenly Being is the cause behind this form, wrought in space, in its matrix.

But there exist many types and orders of Celestials who, more or less formed into light bodies,

have more incomprehensible functions than Creator Gods have.

Now, with the intention in mind, of making further inroads into astronomy and astrology, two

sciences that ought to be combined, maybe we can get a glimpse of the Realm of the wondrous

Creator Gods: This Realm of Form Builders stretches upwards and downwards in levels and sizes,

far beyond the ken of man. After having evolved for eons in known and unknown evolutions and Kingdoms,

inclusive the Human Kingdom, some of these Gods undertake great sacrifices in causing the appearance of cosmic size

atoms and particles like planets, stars, constellations etc. Such more or less dense celestial spheres are the “bodies” of the Creator Gods.

It is chiefly the ability to select, transform and weave cosmic-psychological flows, and to maintain a complicated thought form for long ages, that qualifies the Creator Gods for such offices, together with the loving sacrifice. This incurs degrees of self-limitation, to the benefit of hosts of lesser beings.

The foundation for astrology is emanation, transmission and reception of energies, along the lines of affinity, triangles and old relations, in cyclic movements, between entities Who rule the spherical bodies in space. Isn’t it joyful and meaningful that the Universe is not a random “Big Bang”?

Even on our little planet, we register a growing number of energies coming in and being adapted.

An appellation often used instead of Creator God, is “Logos” (singular and “Logoi”, (plural). This word is of Greek origin, here meaning the innate purpose and vision, being expressed through the creative word (mantram). Compare with the concept of the cosmic AUM. Among creative Heaven Beings, the Logoi of planets are the least. But They are far greater in mind and virtues, than any being on Earth.  Then again, a Solar Logos has achieved a far more developed consciousness,

Love and Wisdom than a planetary Logos.

People on Earth have had Sun religions where the Sun was God, worshipped by the people because of Its physical effects, whereas the priesthood knew of the Existence Who rules throughout all levels and aspects of the Sun. But even the Solar Logos bends Its shining head to a Cosmic Logos, a far loftier and more inscrutable Being, the central Ruler of a number (seven+) of Solar Systems.

And so it continues, the next One up, being the inconceivable Cerreon Logos.

But the chain of love, relations and service proceeds infinitely.

Peter Fich Christiansen

May 23rd, 2008

More pictures of fixed stars are available in Gallery 13


An introduction for illustrations about some fixed stars

and their energies, which are significant to the evolutions

in our Solar System, inclusive Earth




©   2014  Peter & Birgitte Fich Christiansen                                                                                                                                                                                                      Built by Y.M Studio, Israel. 

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