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         A Glimpse of Creation
The Realm of The Creator Gods


Everything in the Universe is imbued with the One Great Spirit, One Life,

and One Law. In short, the manifested Cosmos is an aggregate of innumerable

levels of consciousness and identifications.

But, there is no consciousness without a centre, a form. Countless numbers

of Creator Gods on all planes and degrees, are Builders and Keepers of forms.

A crude definition of form is: deformed space.

All is being thought, dug into virgin ethers and condensed.

The Hierarchy of creative Intelligences is the foundation for experience in this conditioned Universe. Every being or form, small or large, has a consciousness of some extent.
Now, to a plant with vague sensing ability, the little nature spirit who builds and vitalizes the plant, is regarded as its creator and its spiritual source. The nature spirit obeys and admires some larger being or deva on the line, and so on.


It is a realm of relations, of imaged thoughts, sound and color, leading up to Regents of mountain ranges, continents and oceans. Here we are near to the transition into the greater Kingdom of Creator Gods, of planetary, solar and cosmic “Heaven People” or Logoi.
This great Path is most awe-inspiring. There are other cosmic Evolutions, but this One is maybe the most arduous and lengthy, as it implies a tremendous sacrifice.


A creation of a planet or a sun is a very lengthy procedure of continuous visualization and sounding of creative and sustaining mantrams, for the entire period of the form.
Our planet Earth was created by the Planetary Logos. This Being has been thru the human stage and maybe other evolutions in earlier solar systems and has been in training for planetary Logoi on advanced earlier planets.


The Universe is a big place. A solar system is a cosmic atom. Sol-Logos, the Creator of our Solar System, has achieved levels of Love, Power and Wisdom far beyond what a Planetary Logos is able to comprehend.

The line of relations continues. The next up is the so-called Cosmic Logos, Who’s reign extends to more than seven solar systems. Our Solar System together with the much greater Sirius Sun, make up the heart chakra of The Cosmic Logos, and so on.The Cerreon Logos is the loftiest Creator God “known” hereabouts, the Regent of several constellations.

Better not think of greater Ones.

There is this axiom: “No Being in the Universe is so great that a Greater One cannot be found.
The reader may either accept this introduction or stick to “The Big Bang”.
Peter Fich Christiansen
July 2012

A Glimpse of Creation
The Realm of The Creator Gods

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