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Commander Ashtar

Commander Ashtar

Ashtar is a Commander who is responsible for the Ashtar Command.

He is a multi-dimensional entity, and can be present in many planetary systems and in many

dimensions simultaneously. He is not originally from this Universe. Via Venus, he came here

to serve humanity and the earth,  in accordance with the Divine Principles and Cosmic Laws.

He's like a brother to Sanat Kumara and on equal terms with him, in a degree of development

which is very high above an earthly Master.


Along with Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, he performs frequently planetary energy work.

It was decided for him to move from Angels / Deva evolution and into what is called Adam-
HU-man evolution and human Adam Kadmon form; and he then qualified to become Commander of the newly formed Fleet. 


Infinite many other star peoples are associated with the Ashtar Command. They are around the Earth at a higher vibrating dimension. For decades, they have been cooperating with the Hierarchy of earthly Masters, The Angels Empire and The Devic kingdom. Their vessels are of Light. From their God-Self they create the forms as Light ships or starships (Merkabah).

They have many responsibilities that include ensuring not to trigger nuclear war which would have incalculable consequences for humanity and the Earth. Since 1952, monitoring has been intense.


Although many people may not specifically and directly experience that they are part of something bigger, that we are all part of something bigger, that we are all ONE, but it is none the less, how it is.


Ashtar Command Star Ships are "living organisms" of Cosmic Light. They manifest an energy base for the ship's crew, while performing their duties in connection with the Earth. More space fleets are now working on the repair and upgrading of the entire solar system. Ashtar Command also has members incarnated on Earth. They have been born into life as everyone else on Earth, but their spiritual progress is not originally related. These are the ones we call Light Workers and Star People etc.

Their Higher Selves come from other dimensions other worlds in other star systems. Many Light Workers on Earth is what you might call a kind of "Land Staff" of the Great White Brotherhood, Angels of and / or Ashtar Command.

They are connected with millions of Light ships that surround Earth and receive direct guidance. 


Ashtar Command seeks to inspire Spiritual Growth and expansion of consciousness of all life, and helps all to get closer to their True Divine Nature. They are working to optimize the Earth's magnetic resonance, and to bring Light into all people’s Aura. This is done to harmonize the existing energies with the new faster vibrational energies at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. They are helping to awaken Light Workers and establish contact with anyone who chooses to be open to them.


21st May 2006


Birgitte and Peter Fich Christiansen


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